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Abdominoplasty - Tightening of the Abdominal Wall ("Tummy Tuck")

A lot of people wish for a tighter, flatter abdomen. Unfortunately, the elasticity and tension of the abdominal wall often decreases after pregnancies, severe loss of weight or as a result of getting older. Even intensive training of the abdominal muscles in most cases does not achieve the expected aesthetic result. The tightening of the abdominal wall can permanently remove these unsightly changes. Correcting operation

The cut is made parallel to the line where the pubic hair starts. At the sides it is adapted to the individual form of the patient's underwear. Afterwards the abdominal skin is moved up to the costal arch, tightened and the surplus tissue removed. The navel is placed in the new abdominal wall. If the two abdominal muscles that run lengthwise (rectus muscles) have moved apart, they are brought closer together again; a supporting suture of the abdominal fascia is advisable in order to form the waist. Remaining subcutaneous fat at the flanks is sucked out simultaneously or in a second operation which might take place in the out-patient department. Important information:

Stay at the clinic: 2 - 5 days

Duration of operation: 2 hours

Type of anaesthesia: general anaesthetic

Follow up treatment: confinement to bed for 24 hours, sleeping with legs bent for a week, support garment (corsage) for 3 months, avoidance of exhausting sport and sunbathing for 3 months.

Risks: haematoma, wound healing disorders, unsightly scarring, loss of navel, temporary feeling of numbness of the abdominal wall

Final result: after 3 - 6 months

Presentability: after approximately 2 - 6 weeks